Multiple postdoc positions available


Multiple postdoc positions are available in the laboratory of Wen Huang at Michigan State University. Potential projects include: 1) mapping post-transcriptional (splicing, translation) regulation of gene expression in Drosophila; 2) massively parallel reporter assays to assess effects of DNA variants on post-transcriptional regulation in a high throughput manner; 3) development of genotype imputation pipelines in livestock animals; 4) identification and characterization of loss-of-function mutations by whole genome sequencing; 5) development of genomic prediction methods incorporating context dependent effects. Our lab uses Drosophila fruit flies, livestock animals including pigs and cattle, and data collected in human populations (e.g. UK Biobank) as research subjects and employs a combination of experimental and computational approaches. We recruit postdocs with background in either molecular biology and/or statistics/bioinformatics. Postdocs are encouraged to develop their own projects that utilize existing data in the lab or generate new data .

Informal inquiry is highly encouraged. Please apply by sending current CV and a brief introduction explaining background, experience and career plan to Wen Huang (huangw53 AT